Happiness chemicals and how to hack them

I was sent this pic a while back now and still share it regularly with clients in clinic. Learning to develop habits for longevity that compound to develop periods and years of happiness!!

Stop and imagine yourself 10,15, 35 years from now. Are you alive? How’s your brain... your quality of life? And what about your body - the vehicle that houses your soul. Is it dancing or couch bound?

I think longevity is luck and the repetition of healthy habits. It looks like having the self discipline to make your bed each morning, 30 mins of movement everyday, drink 8 glasses of water, bare feet on grass, hugging family/friends, journaling, playing music, monthly mentoring/therapy, 5 mins of meditation......etc

If you love someone, even just one person.... then you know the simple truth: they want you to be happy and healthy. This is where self-care comes in. If not for yourself, for someone you love, for your kid or pet.

There are plenty ways to increase the “feel good” chemicals. Some add life and some take life away. Some last an hour and others lifetimes. Take care, every day #mentalhealth


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