the power of positive scripting

Some nice things I hear in my head sometimes

~ You’ve gotta push yourself that little bit further to avoid going back, again.

Try a bit harder, practise a bit longer, focus more intensely.

Resist temptation, for now, at least.

Get into a new routine and repeat, repeat, repeat until the mindset becomes a habit.

Discipline and self-control.

Go at it alone, if need be.

You’re enough and it is possible for you. It’s always been possible.

The next level, the next version of yourself - potential, waiting patiently.

Strip back the layers, take it all off - everything you thought you needed.

To begin is courageous to keep going is to trust.

Back to the beginning with humility because you’re worthy.

Now is the perfect time to be that, to find that, embody that - breath it, love it, touch it, hold it.

Sacrifice the parts of yourself that no longer serve and offer up your ego to the divine.

Generosity, it’s about where you place your time and energy.

Faith in yourself - your power - your God, you’re God.

You create your world with every intention- you weave the light version of your life.

Give yourself permission - because you can.

Because it’s you, it’s always been you.

You’re free to change - whenever and however you like.

You’re allowed to feel good.

To show up as yourself - completely bare - scars and all.

Self-respect takes you to new levels.

Your integrity, your highest expression. It’s all here - in the middle of yourself.

The small explosions inside your heart - you’re unique.

To find what you need SO deeply that it comes back to you tenfold.

Your mind, your job, your body, your friends, your lover, your family, your home, your community, your finances, your possessions.


Begin within.

Feel it first.

Feel it in gratitude for what exists for you now.

Fuck ‘em, fuck it - you can and you will.

Without a doubt, it’s doable.

It’s already done.

FEBRUARY 10, 2022


everyday empowerment


finding the courage for self-love